
I am a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Shenzhen University, and an External Doctoral Supervisor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Macau. I received my Doctoral degree from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and later became a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I spent several years as a visiting scholar at the University of Edinburgh (UK), Arizona State University (USA), and Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). I am now the Associate Dean of College of Management and Institution of Hospital Management, and the Head of Doctoral programs in Management Science and Engineering (first-level discipline) at Shenzhen University.

I have been committed to multi-disciplinary research in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis and Processing, Information System and Information Management, Operation Research and Optimization, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Smart Medical Care, and other fields for a long time. I hosted 6 national-level projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (1 co-hosted), 5 provincial-level projects (1 Major Project funded by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, 1 Special Project in Key Fields of Universities in Guangdong Province, and 3 projects funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province), 2 projects funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (1 specially-funded), and 10+ other provincial- & municipal-level projects. I published 200+ relevant academic papers, including 79 SCI/SSCI papers (3 ESI Hot Papers, Highly Cited Papers), 99 EI papers, 9 monographs, and 9 patents and software copyrights.

In recent years, I am honored to be selected into many academic honor lists, such as “Hong Kong Scholars” jointly by the National Postdoctoral Administrative Committee Office and the Society of Hong Kong Scholars and “Thousand-Hundred-Ten Talent Project” by Guangdong Province in 2012, “High-level Professionals” by Shenzhen in 2013, “Peacock Plan for Overseas High-level Talents” by Shenzhen in 2014, “Outstanding Young Teachers” by Guangdong Province in 2015, “Pearl River Scholars” by Guangdong Province in 2016, “Member of the Teaching Steering Committee for Higher Education in Industrial Engineering Discipline” by Ministry of Education in 2018, “Excellent Teachers of Southern Guangdong” by Guangdong Province and “Leaders in Innovation Fellowships” jointly by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (China) and the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) in 2021, and “World Ranking Top 2% Scientists” by Stanford University for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022. I have won 20 academic awards, including the Best Paper Award of International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI), the Best Paper Award of International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC), and the Excellent Paper Award of Chinese Academy of Management Annual Conference, and have coached students to win 2 Silver Awards on “Internet+” National Competition.

In the past five years, I have supervised 10 Postdoctoral Fellows (5 have completed their projects), 10 Doctoral students (3 have graduated, 5 Foreign students), and 8 Master students (5 for PhD overseas with full scholarships or China Scholarship Council Grants, 2 for PhD in China after graduation).

Research Interests

Data Science, Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling, Swarm Intelligence, Machine Learning, Feature Engineering, Decision Support System

Main Courses

  1. Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Data Science, Management Information System, Systems Engineering, Bionic Management, Swarm Intelligence.
  2. Postgraduate Courses: Intelligent Management, Optimization Theory and Methods, Optimization and Decision-Making, Optimization Calculations and Tools, Big Data Thinking and Management Decision-Making, Dialectics of Nature.

My Team

I am now the leader of a provincial-level research team of Guangdong Province—Intelligent Management and Cross-Innovation Team. At present, we have 15 faculty members (4 Professors, 5 Associate Professors, and 6 Assistant Professors), 8 Postdoctoral Fellows, 10 Doctoral students (including 4 foreign students), and 22 Master students.

We have hosted 15 national-level projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 3 ministerial-level projects funded by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education, 12 provincial-level projects funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and 7 projects funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. We published 300+ papers (2 on Nature), 10+ books, 20+ patents and software copyrights.

The team consists of 6 research groups:

  1. Smart Operation and Service Management
  2. Information Intelligence and Decision Optimization
  3. Data Intelligence and Deep Learning
  4. Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management
  5. General Health and Smart Medical Care
  6. Management Information System and Decision-making

We are looking for Assistant Professors, Research and Postdoctoral Fellows, Doctoral and Master students in the above research directions. If you are interested, please send your CV to